> We implement LuaJIT Remake (LJR), a standard-compliant Lua 5.1 VM, using Deegen. Across 44 benchmarks, LJR's interpreter is on average 179% faster than the official PUC Lua interpreter, and 31% faster than LuaJIT's interpreter. LJR's baseline JIT has negligible startup delay, and its execution performance is on average 360% faster than PUC Lua and only 33% slower (but faster on 13/44 benchmarks) than LuaJIT's optimizing JIT.
presentation by the author
Deegen: A LLVM-based Compiler-Compiler for Dynamic Languages
Slides https://aha.stanford.edu/sites/g/files/sbiybj20066/files/med...
Ongoing work documented here https://sillycross.github.io/ and some comments here https://lobste.rs/s/ftsowh/building_baseline_jit_for_lua