As a US citizen, I really don't care about my health care information being public.
I wonder how much of HIPAA is really a front to drive up the cost of health care in this country. What is the threat model? Is a hacker gonna gain access to my bank account because they know how many wisdom teeth I had pulled? Our society is going to rot from the inside out if we just slap cybersecurity taxes on everything.
I still believe hospitals should have cyber security defenses so that hackers can't bring them down. But is the privacy of my health data really that important? Honestly can't see why it would be. This is one of the most unhealthy countries on the planet, and so is it going to surprise anyone that we all have health conditions? Plus, everybody who I might be concerned about having access to my health care data already has access to it through some shady third party agreement and fine text that I have to agree to for anything basic.