Anecdotally, I ran into a similar solution "by chance".
Long ago, I worked for a dating site. Our CTO at the time was a "guest of honor" who was brought in by a family friend who was working in the marketing at the time. The CTO was a university professor who took on a job as a courtesy (he didn't need the money nor fame, he had enough of both, and actually liked teaching).
But he instituted a lot of experimental practices in the company. S.a. switching roles every now and then (anyone in the company could apply for a different role except administration and try themselves wearing a different hat), or having company-wide discussions of problems where employees would have to prepare a presentation on their current work (that was very unusual at the time, but the practice became more institutional in larger companies afterwards).
Once he announced a contest for the problem he was trying to solve. Since we were building a dating site, the obvious problem was matching. The problem was that the more properties there were to match on, the longer it would take (beside other problems that is). So, the program was punishing site users who took time to fill out the questionnaires as well as they could and favored the "slackers".
I didn't have any bright ideas on how to optimize the matching / search for matches. So, ironically, I asked "what if we just threw away properties beyond certain threshold randomly?" I was surprised that my idea received any traction at all. And the answer was along the lines of "that would definitely work, but I wouldn't know how to explain this behavior to the users". Which, at the time, I took to be yet another eccentricity of the old man... but hey, the idea stuck with me for a long time!